Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Silencing Your Inner Critical Voice

Many of my clients complain of being highly critical of themselves when it comes to social media marketing, and I'm willing to bet, it spills over into their relationships and other areas of their lives. This article is to help you silence the inner critic inside your head that is holding you back, and telling you that you are not good enough.

Your Inner Critic is in your domain of control. It is your job to stand up and fight for your truth. If you don't, nobody else will. You must clean house...

One way to silence your Inner Critic is to get a little angry. Anger is a protective mechanism, even though our culture tells us otherwise (as a control tactic). We are groomed to follow the pack. When going for success in your life, it's often undesirable to fit in with the rest of the crowd. You need to stand out, and you need the confidence and mindset to do so without question.

Get ticked off. Stand up for your True Self against your False Self (which is telling you that you're not good enough). Tell your inner critic to sit down & SHUT UP! Be bold, courageous and assertive. Those negative voices are not really you. You are delightful, spontaneous and alive. Your true self may be buried under the weight of your self-criticism which you have allowed to run rampant in your head. Make room for your True Self by discounting the parts of you that say you are not good enough. That is a lie, and causes you to create a fake, false self that may look good temporarily, but has no substance.

Make no qualms about being confident in this arena. Somebody needs to stand up for your Truth. If you won't do it, your Inner Critic will control you and cause you to contort your personality in a way that's fake and homogenous. That won't get you any where on the social web, and it won't get you anywhere in life either.

Get mad, be authoritative and speak to the voices out loud. Say "Bite me! I am smart, fabulous and perfectly imperfect." Repeat this exercise as often as necessary, then follow up with your positive affirmations. (If you see me driving down the road with my hot pink dotJen license plates, talking to myself with a furrowed brow, now you know I'm not on the phone...) It may take 1000s of such instances to get it through my thick skull, but I won't give up, and neither should you!

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